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Design for people with dementia: Scotland edition

Design for people with dementia: Scotland edition

Paperback by University of Stirling Dementia Services Development Centre

Design for people with dementia: Scotland edition


For delivery:
Estimated despatch 31 Jul 2024
Design for people with dementia: Scotland edition


There will be a delay in supplying University of Stirling Dementia Centre titles at the moment as the building where the books are stored / despatched from is locked-down now. We will send as soon as we are able.

The purpose of this report is to:

- provide a briefing on key legislation, regulation, standards and guidance, with associated inspection and enforcement powers, relating to building design matters, including external spaces, for people with dementia - both those designed for them and those where they form a large proportion of the user group

- consider where the legislation, regulation, standards and guidance seem to be at variance with the optimal building and external space design guidance for people with dementia

- seek to find a constructive way forward once variances have been clarified.

Please note that the language used in DSDC publications is correct at the time of print; recommendations for dementia friendly language is updated on a regular basis and therefore from time to time some language in DSDC publications may be out of date. If you would like to read more about dementia friendly language, you can read the DSDC blog at called "If you don't have anything nice to say".

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